A Response to the Continuation of JPA Scholarship for Medical-Related Programmes

We refer to the above matter. This is a press statement released by Malaysian Medics International (MMI) as a response to the continuation of JPA scholarships for medical-related programmes as we strive towards establishing a conducive environment that nurtures the growth and development of healthcare professionals in Malaysia.

We commend the government's decision to prioritize the education of our future healthcare professionals. The healthcare industry plays a crucial role in our society, and investing in the education of healthcare professionals is vital for the well-being of our nation.

We call upon the Public Service Department, better known as Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA), other relevant stakeholders and distinguished policymakers to consider the following:

  1. Review existing publication on human resources for health

  2. Provide a compensatory solution for JPA scholarship applicants

We appreciate the assistance of endorsed partners in our press statement before as we are advocating for the sustainability and quality of our healthcare system.

- Malaysian Pharmacy Students' Association (MyPSA)

- Malaysian Dental Students' Association (MDSA)

- Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Malaysia

- UM Medical Society (UM MEDSOC)

- Military Medicine National Defence University of Malaysia (MILIMEDS NDUM)

- Newcastle University Medicine Malaysia Student Association (NUMed SA)


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Overview of the Current Ministry of Health (MoH) Contract for the Healthcare Professionals