Establishment of MMI China Branch Council

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MMI is proud to announce a new branch council - MMI China. This new branch council will serve to represent Malaysian medical students studying in China. In line with MMI’s pillars, MMI China will serve to connect, educate and cultivate.

MMI China aspires to

  1. connect medical students and doctors through projects and events;

  2. provide timely and relevant information about medical education in China;

  3. promote further collaboration and exchange in the medical field of Malaysia and China, and

  4. represent the common interests of all Malaysian medical students pursuing an education in Malaysia and China.

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“The enthusiasm and the supportive environment that I have experienced while representing MMI in Beijing as an International Ambassador has inspired me to start up MMI China. Recalling my times being alienated and the feeling of helplessness when I first arrived in Beijing, I resonate well with many overseas medical students studying abroad as they struggle to adapt to the new environment. Joining MMI has given me new opportunities as I connect with other Malaysian medical students. It has given me new insights and an enormous inspiration of embracing my role as a medical student in China. Sien Ping and I are really excited to bring and share this culture among the Malaysian communities in China.”

Tan Yen
President of MMI China Branch Council 2020/2021
Former International Ambassador (Beijing) 2019/2020

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“After a period of time studying in China, I always feel that there is something lacking over here, and that is the representation of Malaysian medical students in China. I wish to see a student body that helps connect and represent all the Malaysian medical students studying abroad, particularly in China. Fortunately, new opportunities came to light and I was appointed as the International Ambassador for the Shanghai Chapter of MMI. This has led to the establishment of MMI China which had became my main aim in the past few months. Personally, MMI China is not only a platform for Malaysian medical students to voice their concerns and needs, but also a place to cultivate new leaders of tomorrow.”

Sien Ping
Vice President of MMI China 2020/2021
Former International Ambassador (Shanghai) 2019/2020


With the establishment of MMI China, the council is now recruiting for committee members to join the team. If you are a Malaysian medical student studying in China, feel free to contact us at

To find out more about vacant positions, click here.

To submit your application, click here.

To keep up to date with MMI China’s activities, follow them on their social media pages!

Facebook: MMI China

  • Name: MMI 在华分会

  • WeChat ID: MMI_China


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