MMS 2018 Insight Series: Medefine UK on the Pre-Medical Segment


Getting into medical school can be a daunting experience for some of us. There will be many questions that may play in your mind i.e “which university should I to apply to”, “is my work experience relevant”, “how best to structure my personal statement” and “is my UKCAT score high enough”. Our one -day event: Getting into Medical School by Medefine Education in collaboration with MMI Young Medics aims to try and answer your pertinent questions and help you make a more informed decision about your medical school application. We are a big group of medical students who have the experience and were successful in our application to medical school. We would like to share with you our experience, that is tailored to provide students with information in the form of talks, workshops and personal conversations via our networking session. We have gone through the rigorous application process and want medical school to potentially learn from how we strategize our application and from our mistakes. Check out our itinerary of the day in our FB page and hopefully we can boost your application!

Written by,
Sashi Ganes
University of Cardiff


MMS 2018 Insight Series: MMI Young Medics President


MMS 2018 Insight Series: MMI Executive Committee Co-Chair