MMS 2018 Insight Series: MMI Doctors President


What does it mean to look at The Bigger Picture? It means stepping back from the day-to-day and thinking about the entire medical profession and your place in it. It means taking a look at how your practice functions and searching for ways to make it better. It means being the best connected, the best educated, and the best cultivated to meet new challenges head on.

I have been involved in planning the Malaysian Medical Student Summit since its inception in 2014 and I have had a dream for many years now. I want to bring the all Malaysian doctors together.

Though our fraternity is rather small in number, we are largely divided by so many factors. It may be by specialty, by geography, by religion or maybe even political ideation. I want us, Malaysian Medics, to take a step back from all these and see The Bigger Picture.

Malaysian Healthcare has its signification share of success and challenges. We openly boast the success, but we do not discuss the challenges as openly. This is what I hope to address through the 2018 Malaysian Medical Summit. We may not have answers to the problems, we did not design the summit to solve problems, but rather we want to get people to start talking.

The first step to solving an issue is acknowledging and accepting that we have an issue and only then can we work towards solving and improving the Malaysian Healthcare System all together as one Malaysian Medics Family. As the Chief Convenor of the 2018 Malaysian Medical Summit, this is what I strive to achieve this year.

Join us this August 18 and 19 at University Malaya as we connect, educate and cultivate to become better Malaysian Doctors. On behalf of the entire brains of Malaysian Medics International, welcome to the Malaysian Medical Summit 2018!

Written by,
Dr Vikkineshwaran Siva Subramaniam
MMI Doctors 17/18


MMS 2018 Insight Series: MMI Ireland President