Announcing a New Partnership with Nutrafit

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Malaysian Medics International (MMI) proudly announces the partnership with NutraFit.  

NutraFit is run by a group of Malaysian dietitians who advocates for evidence-based nutrition. They also provide advice and counselling to their clients. 

As a prologue to this partnership, MMI had recently invited NutraFit’s Co-Founder, Mr. Wong Wei Wen to discuss about the roles of allied health professionals in the clinical setting during the Malaysian Medical Summit on the 8th of August 2020. Our allied health panellist has given us a lot of insights into their perspective when working with doctors. Much of which were frustrations working within the system. There were a lot of hopes that this panel discussion would allow future doctors to work closely and provide the same respect to their allied health colleagues.  

Similar to how doctors cannot function without nurses, we too cannot function without all of our allied health colleagues. This partnership will enable us, medical students, to work closer with our dietitian counterparts in hopes of advocating on the importance of interprofessional learning, collaboration, and partnership. 

As part of the Reform in Medical Education Initiative, this partnership will denote the first in many steps towards a more united healthcare industry. MMI hopes that this partnership will strengthen the alliance between doctors and the dietetics community.

Follow Nutrafit on their Facebook and Instagram page!


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