An Open Letter to all the Unsung Heroes tackling this Pandemic

Open Letter

Hello, it's Sean here.

First of all, thank you for your kind messages and well wishes.

I am humbled by the immense response to the post regarding my experience at the front line. It is very morale boosting to learn that my efforts are being appreciated, and that spurs me on to improve myself so as to provide a better service to the Rakyat in the future.

Truth be told, the attention (and appreciation) I received should be directed to all workers involved in combating the COVID-19 pandemic. The contributions of these good men and women are vital components of the Malaysian efforts, and we would not be able to do it without any one of them.

This includes all staff under the Ministry of Health, from those at the command centre to the staff at the front lines. Let us not forget the staff at the laboratories; the cleaners at hospitals; the airport staff manning thermal detectors, and many others.

To all workers actively involved in managing the situation, you have all of our respect and gratitude. 

To my colleagues, including those from the Ministry of Health, keep your spirits up. We shall weather this storm together.

To non-healthcare professionals, you can play a part in combating this pandemic too.

Please practice good cough etiquette (cover your mouth when you cough!).

Please practice good hand hygiene (wash your hands with soap frequently!).

Please practice social distancing (maintain a distance of at least 1 metre between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing!).

Please avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth.

Please report yourself to the healthcare services / authorities if you:

  1. Have symptoms such as fever, cough, and difficulty breathing

  2. Had close contact with a patient tested positive for Covid-10 or

  3. Had visited a region which was reported to have an outbreak of the disease

While we fear for the unknown, stay together as we pray that the spread will soon cease.


Best regards,
Dr. Sean Thum
President of MMI Doctors


About the Writer

Dr. Sean Thum is the President of MMI Doctors. He is one of many doctors and healthcare workers who are involved in the face of this pandemic.


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