Ep. 03: Why Diets Don’t Work

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Greetings everyone! We are back with the next episode of our podcast series. This time we will be collaborating with Miss Ceymone Ng, a dietician who works at Nutrafit. She graduated from International Medical UNiversity(IMU) and had prior intensive clinical and community training in different settings and various health conditions.

 In today’s discussion, we will be having a discussion on why diets don't work. Yes, you read it right. You probably have this notion that dieting is a good way to lose or maintain our body weight. Besides, there are umpteen types of diets that are being introduced to us such as Ketogenic and Atkin diets so it is not surprising that most of us feel the need to follow a strict diet to achieve a certain body figure or health goal.

While it is true that we have to watch what we eat, an immoderate restriction on food consumption may not do as much benefit to your body as you think it might. In fact, frequent dieting disrupts the body’s natural relationship with food. So, how can we eat mindfully without falling for the “diet trap”? Tune in to find out more with our dietitian expert, Ms. Ceymone!

Read the transcript for this Episode here

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Ep. 04: Diet & The Cardiovascular Diseases


Ep. 02: Immune System Boost