MMI United Kingdom
Council of 2020/2021
7th Council
Wong Thai Ling
University of Edinburgh
Vice President
Clayton Yang
Imperial College London
Edward Foo
University of Edinburgh
Finance Director
Bryan Loh
University of Cambridge
Events Director
Justin Soon
University of Nottingham
Events Executive
Chooi Je Yin
Cardiff University
Media & IT Director
Zoe Chew Zhi Qi
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry
External Liaison & Sponsorship Director
Chan Shie Wei
Cardiff University
University Ambassador Director
Rebekah Chow
Queen’s University of Belfast
Doctor’s Representative
Shiela Lee
Doctor’s Representative
Goh Jing Yi
Doctor’s Representative
Gavin Fong
Doctor’s Representative
Tan Yi Chuen

University Ambassadors
Term 2020/2021
Chan Ai Win
Queen’s University of Belfast
Aida Aljafri
Brighton & Sussex Medical School
Carina Pan
University of Birmingham
Chiam Jane Yi
University of Edinburgh
Eunice Tang Jia Lin
University of Glasgow
Tan Jean Ling
University of Manchester
James Saw
Universiy of Dundee
Lim Jiang Rong
University of Liverpool
Marcus Ho
University of Cambridge
Nicholas Chung
University of Newcastle
Ashley Ng Shiyan
University of Nottingham
Ow Syen Yee
Cardiff University
Chuah Sze Lyn
King’s College London
Vivian Teh
University of Central Lancashire