MMS General Assembly

Be part of the collective voice.

What is MMS General Assembly?


The MMS General Assembly (GA) is a 2-hour session meeting aimed at producing and presenting a memorandum. It will involve the presentation of a draft memorandum produced by the Members of the Table (MoT) during the Pre-Summit Series. Other delegates, being Members of the Floor (MoF) can review and suggest amendment of the draft memorandum 1 week prior to MMI GA, of which announcement will be made that the draft memorandum is released. It is complemented with a Pre-Summit Series by preparing delegates with palatable discussion, networking opportunity, as well as improving soft skills through a seminar, workshops, and meetings.

Play a role in our General Assembly!


Register with us as a delegate for Malaysian Medical Summit. We invite you to join us as part of the discussion and draft the memorandum during the Pre-Summit Series. Sign up as Members of the Table or Members of the Floor. 

Both Members of the Table and the Floor are involved during MMI GA with slightly different roles. If you opt to be part of the Members of the Table, you might be able to table the memorandum during MMS GA. Other delegates are welcome to involve in the amendment and debate. The total time for table, amend, and debate is 10-15 minutes for each recommendation. A chairperson will be moderating the discussion.

*The MMS General Assembly mechanism and flow are subject to change.

+ Members of the Table (MoT)

You will be greatly involved with drafting the memorandum if you sign up as an MoT and attend our Pre-Summit for a day. This is the exclusive role as Members of the Table. You may also have the chance to table this memorandum during MMS GA. A dignitary and a relevant stakeholder may be present during the MMS GA session.

+ Members of the Floor (MoF)

You will have the right to review and suggest amendments of the draft memorandum, which will be released about 1 week before MMS GA. You may receive this draft via your email. This draft memorandum is an extensive work of your peers during the Pre-Summit Series. Suggest an amendment if you think it is important and relevant to the issue. We highly welcome your opinions and suggestions.