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MMI UK: What I wish I knew in Medical School - Intercalation webinar

Je Ern Chooi is a penultimate year medical student at the University of Sheffield. She recently completed her intercalation degree in MScRes Translational Oncology and was awarded the Weston Park Cancer Charity Prize. She is a student researcher at …

Je Ern Chooi is a penultimate year medical student at the University of Sheffield. She recently completed her intercalation degree in MScRes Translational Oncology and was awarded the Weston Park Cancer Charity Prize. She is a student researcher at the Department of Oncology and Metabolism and has presented in various student and international conferences on her research projects in multiple myeloma and thyroid malignancy.

Besides her strong interest in the oncology and the research field, Je Ern is also passionate about teaching and mentoring through various medical societies. During her time as the President of MMI UK, she co-chaired national and international medicine and research conferences in London and Dublin.

Edward is a Year 3 Medical Student intercalating in Development, Regeneration and Stem Cells at the University of Edinburgh. He is currently working as a student researcher with the Chambers Lab as part of his Honours project, and is also contributi…

Edward is a Year 3 Medical Student intercalating in Development, Regeneration and Stem Cells at the University of Edinburgh. He is currently working as a student researcher with the Chambers Lab as part of his Honours project, and is also contributing towards the ReLiSyR-MND project with the CAMARADES group as a student reviewer. Regenerative biology aside, he maintains a deep interest in Cardiology and Medical Education.

He is the current General Secretary of MMIUK, and previously presided over the Edinburgh Malaysian Students’ Association. His favourite pastimes all involve coffee, in some form or another.

MMI UK is excited to present the 'What I wish I knew in medical school' webinar series! In this series of weekly webinars, we will be inviting Malaysian medics all over the UK to answer and explore topics our members are interested in.

Each week, the webinar will cater to a specific year group in medical school, providing a platform to discuss topics and concerns specific to you! Students from all year groups are welcome to join any webinar, and registration is FREE. The series will cover areas such as expectations and preparation for clinical years, ways to boost your CV, and more

Our webinar on intercalation will be happening on 9 April!

Registration form:

Preclinical years: Intercalation facebook event page:

For more information, head over to our " What I wish I knew in Medical School" main event page:

If you have any questions, please contact us at See you there! See less

April 8

MMI Malaysia: Get To Know This: Non-communicable Diseases (Cervical Cancer)

April 10

MMI Young Medics: Webinar 4.0 - A World Beyond Medicine