5 February 2021 - 20 February 2021
Click here to view our official policy document.
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Policy Document
No doubt we know this familiar headline - The Glut of Junior Doctors in Malaysia.
Too many housemen, not enough training hospitals, medical students edged out of learning during the pandemic and many begin to question the quality of junior doctors we are producing.
These issues point to a common root problem - the need to improve the Quality of Medical Education in Malaysia, instead of our quantity.
There are simply too many medical schools in Malaysia over the past 2 decades, initially, as a response to meet the growing demand for doctors, has now become a mismatch of training capacity, quality, and healthcare system requirements. These issues affect many medical schools across Malaysia in varying extent - however creates a downstream cumulative problem to the healthcare system at large.
Focusing on the looming issue, MMI has drafted a policy addressing these issues.
Introducing our Policy: Improving the Quality of Medical Education in Malaysia.
These issues aren’t affecting me at all — or is it?
What if…
…our incompetency brings harm to our patients?
…we could have been better prepared before housemanship?
What are the MMC criteria?
Increase in medical graduates
Increase in the number of practicing specialists
“I feel like I’m missing out on my clinical experience…”
“What if I lose out on learning important skills?”
Research & Language
How do these impact us as medical students?
Is research really that significant?
Responses we have received from medical students
Disclaimer: Note that the public poll responses and opinions expressed here do not fully represent all medical students worldwide and reflect those of MMI’s.