Mental Health
We aim to change the landscape of mental health in Malaysia by educating the general community with campaigns, reducing the stigma towards all, and affecting change at the policymaking level.
3-Year Global Strategic Plan
Together with our representatives from the 6 countries MMI are present, we have come together to create a 3 year global advocacy plan for our representatives to be advocates of, in their respective countries. Within this plan, Mental Health remains as one of the key points for advocacy for all of our chapters and branch councils.
Policies on
Mental Health
With any advocacy comes policy and we believe that with the issue of mental health, it is important to involve all the stakeholders towards affecting change at the policymaking level. Click here to read on our most recent policy.
Humans of
Everyday lives shouldn’t be boring and speaking up about our own mental health issues shouldn’t be something to be ashamed of. Publishing new stories weekly from our healthcare heroes, we hope these stories will inspire our readers and reduce the stigma behind those struggling with their mental health issues.