MMI United Kingdom
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All MMI U.K’s upcoming events are featured here. You may check out our Facebook page for more updates!

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MMI UK is excited to present the 'What I wish I knew in medical school' webinar series! In this series of weekly webinars, we will be inviting Malaysian medics all over the UK to answer and explore topics our members are interested in.
Each week, the webinar will cater to a specific year group in medical school, providing a platform to discuss topics and concerns specific to you! Students from all year groups are welcome to join any webinar, and registration is FREE. The series will cover areas such as expectations and preparation for clinical years, ways to boost your CV, and more 🙌
Our webinar on clinical placements will be happening on 16 April!
Sign up now for our webinar “New on the wards: Stepping into clinical years” happening on 16 April (this Friday)!
🌟 Registration form: https://forms.gle/tg58CuNXZ34SroJD7
The zoom link will be sent to you via email once we’ve confirmed your spot! If you have any questions, please email us at mmi.unitedkingdom@gmail.com.
For more information, head over to our " What I wish I knew in Medical School" main event page: https://fb.me/e/1eRRabiMB
MMI UK is excited to present the 'What I wish I knew in medical school' webinar series! In this series of weekly webinars, we will be inviting Malaysian medics all over the UK to answer and explore topics our members are interested in.
Each week, the webinar will cater to a specific year group in medical school, providing a platform to discuss topics and concerns specific to you! Students from all year groups are welcome to join any webinar, and registration is FREE. The series will cover areas such as expectations and preparation for clinical years, ways to boost your CV, and more 🙌
Our webinar on intercalation will be happening on 9 April!
🌟 Registration form: https://forms.gle/4G6yLPbuBMcZjD2u5
For more information, head over to our " What I wish I knew in Medical School" main event page: https://fb.me/e/1eRRabiMB
If you have any questions, please contact us at mmi.unitedkingdom@gmail.com. See you there!
MMI UK is excited to present the 'What I wish I knew in medical school' webinar series! In this series of weekly webinars, we will be inviting Malaysian medics all over the UK to answer and explore topics our members are interested in.
Each week, the webinar will cater to a specific year group in medical school, providing a platform to discuss topics and concerns specific to you! Students from all year groups are welcome to join any webinar, and registration is FREE. The series will cover areas such as expectations and preparation for clinical years, ways to boost your CV, and more 🙌
Our webinar on CVs will be happening on 2 April!
For more information, head over to our " What I wish I knew in Medical School" main event page: https://fb.me/e/1eRRabiMB
If you have any questions, please contact us at mmi.unitedkingdom@gmail.com. See you there!
Calling all aspiring Medics applying to a UK medical school!
MMI UK presents:
Online InterviewPrep !! 🌟
As the name suggests, this event is to best prepare you for those daunting med school interviews!
InterviewPrep allows you to talk to seniors in the universities that you’ve applied to and get those top tips from their experience. They would also provide you with a mock interview session to give you a taste of how it will be for your actual interview.
Through the mock interview and priceless feedback on your performance, it would definitely be a confidence booster for your upcoming real interview! 💯
Best thing is, it's FREE OF CHARGE!
Deadline to sign up is 31st December 2020 but spaces are limited so fill up the google form ASAP here!
📩Feel free to contact us at mmi.unitedkingdom@gmail.com for any enquires.
Calling all international medical graduates & students!
MMI UK is proud to present our online webinar: ‘How to apply for a job in the UK from an international medical graduate’s (IMG) perspective’!
This event is aimed at medical students and junior doctors with the aim to give you a brief understanding of the application process to working in the UK after graduating from an overseas medical university and the housemanship programme(Foundation year 1 and 2).
The webinar will be held by Dr Tan Yi Chuen and Dr Joanna Fong Siaw Hui, who will be covering entry pathways to the UK, entrance exams, career progression, and more! LIMITED spaces are available so sign up now!
Date: 06 December 2020
Time: 2PM-3PM (GMT)
Ticket price: RM10 (£2)
MMI UK is excited to launch the “MMI UK Specialty Applications Talk Series”! With a host of recently successful applicants, MMI UK plans to demystify the specialty application process for you! The series will cover areas such as the application process, interviews, portfolios and more!
Join us now for the ninth session of the talk series - Psychiatry by Dr Elliott Carthy!