Pre-Summit Series

Be the catalyst of the collective voice.

The Pre-Summit Workshop is a one-day initiative under the MMI General Assembly (GA) to provide exposure and foundation of soft skills to our delegates. It also serves to provide insights to participants into Malaysia’s Housemanship Training System which are especially important if you are a Member of the Table (MoT) as you are directly involved in the process of drafting a memorandum which is the centerpiece of the MMI GA. However, Pre-Summit Workshop can be beneficial for anyone as it also held sessions such as public speaking which help to upgrade your soft skill, be involved in palatable discussion, and network with others.

It will be held on 10th July 2021 and consists of 2 keynote sessions, 2 workshops, and 1 sharing session aimed to prepare all delegates for the MMI GA:

  • Keynote Interview: Introduction to Advocacy and Policy 

  • Public Speaking Workshop 

  • Briefing and Drafting Memorandum 

  • Keynote and Sharing Session on Housemanship Training System

Our Speaker


 Public Speaking Workshop

Public speaking is the art of performing a speech in front of a live audience. Public speaking requires speakers that present a speech with eloquence and fluency. Soft skills such as public speaking will help you gain more confidence in speaking in front of a group while being coherent and clear in communication.



 Briefing & Drafting Memorandum

A memorandum, or memo, gives a short brief of a policy that has been written. The memorandum drafted during the Pre-Summit Series will be presented during our MMI General Assembly and submitted to government policymakers or relevant stakeholders to ensure that our voice is accepted, prompting a change of action.