“What we do today will have a cumulative impact on all our tomorrows.”

MMI Insight 2020 #01

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I am sure we, the new generation of doctors, are not going to leave these issues unacknowledged and unresolved for another decade.
— Chong Hui Yuan

We, as medical students, have heard and seen the challenges and issues that have been around for a long time in the healthcare workplace or the system as a whole. In this decade, many of us will become house officers and medical officers. When we enter the healthcare system after graduation, we will be experiencing those challenges first-hand. I am sure we, the new generation of doctors, are not going to leave these issues unacknowledged and unresolved for another decade. 

It is time that we actively advocate for change and better outcomes for individuals and communities. Any doctor or medical student can be a team leader. All of us can play a role in shaping the decade, regardless of whether or not we are involved in health policy decision-making.

What we do today will have a cumulative impact on all our tomorrows. It is time that we take ownership of this new decade, find our ‘why’ for being part of healthcare, and be the change we wish to see. After all, we are going to be the future of the medical profession and the backbone of the healthcare system.

Chong Hui Yuan is a 4th year medical student studying in Monash University Malaysia. She currently serves as the Treasurer on the Malaysian Medical Summit 2020 Committee as well as the Creative Director on the Executive Council 2019/2020.

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‘Shaping My Decade’ Photography Challenge


“Treatment Started Immediately, and My Journey as a Patient Began”