‘Shaping My Decade’ Photography Challenge

Malaysian Medical Summit 2020


Are you looking for an opportunity to showcase your creativity AND win attractive prizes? Now is the time!


In conjunction with our upcoming first international online conference Malaysian Medical Summit 2020 on the 8th and 9th August, ‘Shaping Our Decade’, we are introducing a photography challenge themed 'Shaping My Decade'.

All you need to do is follow the instructions given below and post your most creative shots! There are attractive prizes to be won and you definitely don't want to miss out!

How to participate?

  1. Post a picture of you posing with a hand gesture using all 10 fingers to represent your decade.

  2. Start with the caption, My future is in my hands, and my decade starts now’, then explain how you would like to shape your decade.

  3. End your caption by tagging 3 friends and MMI social media page.

  4. Include these event hashtags #ShapingMyDecade and #MMS2020 in the caption.

What are the prizes?


Did we mention that the winners will be featured on our website and social media too? So do not forget to set your post privacy as public! EVERYONE is welcomed to participate in this challenge.

We are only running this challenge for a limited time. Hence, grab your camera and upload your amazing shot now! We can't wait to see you showcase your creativity!

Stay tuned to our social media pages because winners will be announced after the challenge and YOU could be one of them! Terms and conditions apply.


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For more information on Malaysian Medical Summit 2020, click here.

For more updates on the Summit, follow us on our event page, click here.


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“What we do today will have a cumulative impact on all our tomorrows.”