Recruiting Core Committee for MMS2020

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This August, hundreds of delegates from countries across three continents would converge in Kuala Lumpur for a two-days summit to shape the future of our healthcare in Malaysia.

Presently in its sixth iteration, Malaysian Medical Summit has been successful over the years in providing stakeholders with a professional platform to connect, educate and cultivate idea in the community, enabled by our partners and sponsors. Over the years, our summit has served as an important platform for our diverse community of aspiring medical students to lead and grow while contributing back to our society. Many of our past committee members have also taken a larger role to lead in our executive committee after the summit.

If you are up for the challenge, do sign up to be part of our greater family and let’s do our best to make this year summit a bigger and an impactful one. Recruitment will be closing by the 15th of March, 2020.

Click here to register if you’re interested!


Postponement of Upcoming MMI Events


“…Because Who Believes a Young Boy When He Says He Feels Empty?”