Let’s all play a part in bridging the multiverse of the healthcare system
“We have seen and experienced how the world changed in 2020. Medicine, a field largely driven by the interactions between doctors and patients, has evolved drastically, and now globally, doctors are seeking ways to provide high quality medical care remotely. Many of us, as medical students and junior doctors, are experiencing these radical changes first-hand. The world of medicine is transcending different dimensions, bridging what medicine was, is, and will be. MMS 2021 this year aims to connect these early dots, to fill in the gaping hole in our knowledge, and to create well rounded doctors of tomorrow.”
— Inception of MMS 2021 by Co-Conveners

36 committee members
2-day virtual summit
1 general assembly

We Are On Discord!
Itching to meet new like-minded people during this lockdown?
MMS 2021 aims to deliver an engaging experience to all medics out there despite the pandemic.
Our team has a setup just for you! Hop into Discord and meet your fellow delegates!
MMS 2021 Trailer
Registration closing soon!! Don't get left behind on issues that matter to you medics!
10th, 17th and 18th July - Experience the Summit from home connecting all medics together:
🌍 General Assembly - Bringing change to our healthcare system through our collective voice
💡 Amazing speaker lineups including: MP Bandar Kuching, Dr. Kelvin Yii; Influential consultant nephrologist, Dr. Rafidah Abdullah; SCHOMOS Chairman, Dr Vijay Ganasan; Award-winning transgender activist, Nisha Ayub.
⚖ In-depth discussion surrounding issues in Housemanship and Contract Doctors
🏆 How can you make the most out of your pre-housemanship waiting period?
🛰 The future of medicine through Artificial Intelligence and Telemedicine
🙆♀️ Advocate for stigmatised communities in Malaysia
🎗 Alternative career pathways for Malaysian doctors
📲 Healthcare and Social Media
🤗 Networking with Malaysian medics all around the world
🎁 Case discussions, Workshops, Quizzes and Upskill yourselves

Special Story
Catch our special guest’s full story in our MMS 2021 Booklet that has made exclusively for all registrants!
Ms. Ain Husniza
A student activist and Advocate of #MakeSchoolASaferPlace
"When I fight more myself, I fight for those in the dark".
Mr Lim San Shien
Law Student from the University of Malaya, also the President and Founder of the Young Leaders Association in the University of Malaya.
MMI General Assembly 2021
“A Call for Resolution on Issues Faced by House Officers”
The Memorandum tabled during the Malaysian Medical Summit 2021 has been received by Dr Shahrum, on behalf of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. This memorandum is also supported by
Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA)
Malaysia Malaysian Students’ Surgical Society (MSSS)
Society of MMA Medical Students (SMMAMS)
AIMST University Students’ Association (MedSA)
MAHSA Medical Society Medical Society
Medical Students Association of UniSZA (MediSZA)
Monash University Medicos Society (MUMedS)
Taylor’s University Medical Society
UCSI Medical Students’ Association
University Sains Malaysia Medical Society
UPM Putra Medical Club
Click here to view the Memorandum