“Have you ever wondered, are you competent for the future medical career?”

MMI Insight 2020 #07

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Nobody says it is going to be easy, but keeping the faith and passion will surely take you a long way.
— Desmond Tan

I do not believe in the best, I only believe in better.

‘Shaping Our Decade’, to me, means we must all find the courage, take the first step and make the change - bringing our healthcare system to a whole new altitude. Bringing the future we want, the vision in our mind and the aspiration in our soul into reality - only we can make this happen. If not us, then who? If not now, then when?

Undeniably, our current healthcare system has been improving and progressing over the years. At the same time, nobody would argue that we can still make it better, in the coming decade, and it will be dependent on us.  

As a medical student, as a doctor of tomorrow, 

Have you ever wondered, what can you do to be a better self?

Have you ever wondered, are you competent for the future medical career?

Have you ever wondered, how can you bring a brighter future to our healthcare system?

Rome was not built in a day. To transform into a better future, we have to equip ourselves with ample knowledge, highly competent skills, and also sound soft skills. Importantly, always have a humble attitude and be a lifelong student. Keeping ourselves updated is undoubtedly one of the most important elements in the rapidly changing medical world, and it all starts now!

Nobody says it is going to be easy, but keeping the faith and passion will surely take you a long way in shaping our decade. 

Lastly, I would like to share with you my most favourite quote, 

‘The adversity is temporary, the glory is eternal.’

Desmond Tan is a 3rd-year medical student studying at Monash University Malaysia. He currently serves as a Marketing Executive on the Malaysian Medical Summit 2020 Committee.

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 “Now is the time to move forward.”


“We, the doctors of tomorrow must take the first step — for a better tomorrow.”