“Now is the time to move forward.”

MMI Insight 2020 #08

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Now it is time to move forward.
With conviction.
With consistency.
With compassion.
— Hwu Yung

At face value, “Shaping the Decade” could literally mean what it says on the tin - how we as members of the medical fraternity, decide to shape the direction and progress within the healthcare setting. 

However, I believe that it is so much more than that. As medical students who will begin their careers in the near future, the decade to come will dictate how we progress through our medical careers, how we represent the medical fraternity, the quality of care we will be delivering to the patients that we’ll be attending to and how that will then reflect on the healthcare system of the country as a whole.

The past decade has been all about progress – and I cannot emphasise this enough. We’ve identified so many points that we can work on in terms of improving our healthcare system; Be it in terms of work culture and environment, inclusivity and diversity in medical education or the plight of housemen in securing a stable future. Many discussions have been had, ideas exchanged, and solutions suggested. 

Now it is time to move forward. 

With conviction.

With consistency.

With compassion.

As we step forward into the new decade, we must come to realise that we play such an important role in making big changes happen and that we are the driving force which will undoubtedly fuel change. 

To me, “Shaping the Decade” is about empowering tomorrow’s doctors to become the catalyst for change, and believing that we have the power to make big impacts. 

Hwu Yung is a final year medical student studying at the University of Nottingham, UK. He currently serves as the Co-Head of Graduate Discussions on the Malaysian Medical Summit 2020 Committee and is also the Vice President of MMI United Kingdom.

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“Embracing these changes in the next decade will shape how we work and treat patients in the future.”


“Have you ever wondered, are you competent for the future medical career?”